Commerze Capital Attends SME Bank Xcess 2023

Commerze Capital is excited to announce that we participated in SME Bank Xcess 2023, a two-day business matching event held on September 21-22, 2023 at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC) in Kuala Lumpur.

SME Bank Xcess is an annual event that brings together SMEs, entrepreneurs, and strategic partners from both the local and international arenas. The event provides a platform for businesses to connect with each other, explore new opportunities, and learn from industry experts.

Commerze Capital had a booth at the event where we showcased our products and services to potential clients and partners. We also had the opportunity to participate in various networking and learning sessions.

Commerze Capital is a leading provider of financial services to SMEs in Malaysia. We offer a wide range of services, including:

  • Invoice financing: Invoice financing is a type of short-term financing that allows businesses to borrow money against their unpaid invoices. This can help businesses to improve their cash flow and meet their working capital needs.
  • Supply contract financing: Supply contract financing is a type of financing that helps businesses to secure the financing they need to purchase goods and services from their suppliers. This can be helpful for businesses that are bidding on new contracts or that have long payment terms from their customers.
  • Business financing advisory: Business financing advisory services can help businesses to identify and secure the best financing solutions for their needs. This can be helpful for businesses of all sizes, from startups to established businesses.
  • Letter of support: A letter of support is a document that is issued by a financial institution to confirm that a business is creditworthy and has a good track record. This can be helpful for businesses that are bidding on contracts or that are seeking new financing.

We are pleased to report that our participation in SME Bank Xcess 2023 was a success. We were able to meet with hundreds of potential clients and partners, and we generated a number of leads that we are currently following up on.

We would like to thank SME Bank for organizing such a successful event. We would also like to thank our clients and partners for visiting our booth and showing your interest in our products and services.

Here are some of the benefits that our clients can gain from our participation in SME Bank Xcess 2023:

  • Access to a wider network of potential clients and partners. SME Bank Xcess brought together businesses from all over Malaysia and the world. This gave our clients the opportunity to meet new people and explore new business opportunities.
  • Exposure to new products and services. SME Bank Xcess featured a wide range of products and services from businesses of all sizes. This gave our clients the opportunity to learn about new products and services that could benefit their businesses.
  • Knowledge sharing and networking opportunities. SME Bank Xcess featured a variety of networking and learning sessions. This gave our clients the opportunity to learn from industry experts and share their own experiences with other businesses.
  • Access to a wide range of financial services. Commerze Capital offers a wide range of financial services to SMEs, including invoice financing, supply contract financing, business financing advisory, and letters of support. We can help SMEs to get the financing they need to grow their businesses and to secure the best deals with their suppliers and customers.

We are committed to supporting our clients in their growth and success. Our participation in SME Bank Xcess 2023 is just one of the ways that we are helping our clients to achieve their business goals.

If you have any questions about our participation in SME Bank Xcess 2023, or if you would like to learn more about our products and services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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