Business Loans in Malaysia: Everything You Need to Know

Equipping yourself with knowledge of business loans in Malaysia is crucial, especially if you own a business or planning to start one. This is because, every Malaysian business, from established enterprises to growing startups, needs money to thrive. They need access to capital to fund operations, pay employees, maintain livelihood, or expand their business. This … Read more

What is Project Financing?

Project Financing

Project financing is actually a great way for a company to handle big projects that take a long time. For example, projects like building bridges, highways, or telecommunications systems. With Project Financing, companies can get the funds they need without having to use up a lot of their own financial resources. This method involves getting … Read more

20 Tips Kewangan untuk Lepasan Universiti

20 Tips Kewangan untuk Lepasan Universiti

Setelah habis pengajian universiti adalah satu pencapaian hebat, namun memasuki alam pekerjaan sebenarnya seringkali melibatkan cabaran kewangan. Artikel ini akan memberikan 20 tips praktikal menguruskan kewangan selepas tamat pengajian untuk membantu lepasan universiti mencapai kestabilan kewangan dan kejayaan.

Oil & Gas Industry: How Commerze Capital can help through Invoice Factoring, Pre-Financing and Financial Advisory.

In this article, we will delve deep into how Commerze Capital can provide financial solutions to benefit the Oil & Gas industry. We will first discuss the history of Oil and Gas in Malaysia, how the industry works, and who are the main players in the Oil & Gas industry. Lastly, we will see the … Read more

Industri Minyak & Gas: Bagaimana Commerze Capital boleh Bantu Anda melalui Pemfaktoran Invois, Pra-Pembiayaan dan Khidmat Nasihat Kewangan

Dalam artikel ini, kami akan membincangkan secara mendalam bagaimana Commerze Capital dapat menyediakan penyelesaian kewangan untuk memberi manfaat kepada industri Minyak & Gas. Kita akan membincangkan sejarah Minyak & Gas di Malaysia, bagaimana industri ini berfungsi, dan siapa pemain utama dalam industri Minyak & Gas, Kemudian kita akan melihat masalah biasa yang sering timbul dalam … Read more