What Actually Happened during GameStop episode?

GameStop is mainly a video game retailer. Other than that, they also sell consumer electronics and gaming merchandise. The company was founded in 1984 in Texas, United States. It was originally named as Babbage’s. Only until 1999, they changed their name to GameStop. Due to the pandemic, it wasn’t doing well since the company highly depends on physical retail space.

Side Hustles: What and Why?

Side hustle is a common thing now in the Internet age. With the ease of access and use of the internet, it enables us to access to a certain type of economic and professional freedom that never existed previously. The term side hustle refers to a personal pursuit which earns you extra money while also working a day job.

Allocating your Income: 50/30/20 Rule

Allocating your income is very important when it comes to managing your finance. Your income needs to be allocated according to your needs, wants, savings and investments. These aspects are very vital in ensuring your financial well-being. One of the ways that you can allocate your income is to use the 50/30/20 rule.

How A Failed Business Can Help You

How a failed business can help you? A business can fail or thrive successfully depending on how it is being managed. A few factors that make up a successful business includes such as the financial management, business management as well as providing great services. However, once these factors are neglected, the business is most likely to fail.